Do French Bulldogs make good Service or Emotional Support dogs?
French bulldogs have a calm nature and are very good with people. These are essential traits for service dog work. They are also known to be quiet dogs and are excellent with children. They are an even-tempered and sweet breed. They are renowned as being loyal dogs and they crave companionship. With these traits, a dog will want to do anything for its beloved owner.
The general size of a French Bulldog is around 11-12 inches tall. The males weigh around 20-28 pounds and a female weighs around 16-24 pounds. These are quite small dogs for some service dog tasks, therefore some jobs may not be suitable for them, such as mobility assistance. More suitable jobs for a French Bulldog would be a psychiatric service dog, by helping a handler with PTSD for example. They could also possibly be a guide dog by leading their handler in the right direction with a leash. That's why a Frenchie would be a good choice as an emotional support or service dog, because of their caring and loveable nature. Frenchies
Possible skills that a French Bulldog could learn include:
• Bringing their owner medication
• Calming down their handler in a stressful situation
• Grounding owners if they are having a panic attack
• Hearing for their owner who is deaf (in case of alarms)
And more. A French Bulldog may not be the best breed to be a diabetic alert dog as even though they have exceptional smell compared to humans, as a breed they have one of the weaker senses of smells due to their short nasal passage.
At French Bulldogs of Florida we have specialized in training Emotional Support, Therapy & Service Dogs.
We also have several older retired Service Dogs Available as well as younger Frenchies in Training.
If you are interested in this service or to have a one one on Discussion for your specific needs, please reach out anytime and we are happy to speak with you
and all conversations are confidential. EMAIL: FrenchBulldogsofFlorida@Outlook.com / 407-305-5000
Where can I register my French Bulldog service dog?
In the United States, it isn’t necessary for you to register your service dog at all. People mainly do it so they are not bothered in public and they have an ID in case any business owners ask questions; even though they are not permitted to ask for evidence. We will assist in registering your French Bulldog based on your specific requirements. All our current adult French Bulldogs are Registered Service Dogs. At times, puppies will need to wait up to 1 year to be registered based on training. We will work with you directlly thru the whole process in detail. Please contact us if you have questions.

Identification and Registration Requirements for the State of Florida
According to Florida Statute 413.08, documentation that a service animal is trained is not required. Although not mandatory, registration is recommended as it allows easier access to all public accommodations. Having identification and registration available, though not necessary, mitigates any unexpected problems or harassment.
To protect the service dog owner’s privacy, the public can not inquire about the nature of the service animal’s owner’s disability. They may only ask two questions:
- Is this a service animal?
- What task has the animal been trained to perform?
Neither business nor private entities may ask personal questions such as:
- Asking the owner to have the animals perform their assigned task as a demonstration.
- Asking the service dog owner declare their illness or disability.
- Demanding documentation regarding registration or training.
Leash Requirements for Service Dogs
Florida laws require that a service animal must be under the control of its owner at all times. The service animal must be properly outfitted with supplies such as a leash, harness, or tether. If a leash, harness, or tether interferes with the tasks the dog must perform, then the dog must be under the owner’s control at all times through the owner’s voice or signal commands.
Service Dog Behavior Requirements
Although a service dog is essential to their owner’s well-being, both ADA and Florida laws are explicit about their expectations for public safety. These include the following points:
- Service dogs must be under the control of the owner at all times.
- Service dogs can be removed or excluded from an area if the dog is out of control, is not appropriately housebroken, or is a safety issue for the public.
- Fear of animals or allergies is not a justifiable reason for the exclusion of a service animal.
- If a service animal must be removed for being a threat, the service dog owner must be provided the option of remaining without the service animal.
- Damage caused by the service animal is the responsibility of the service animal’s owner.
Any person who interferes with these rights may be subject to a misdemeanor of a second-degree in the state of Florida.
Public Accommodation for Owners of Service Animals
“Public accommodation” is a broad term and, in short, means that people with service animals are allowed anywhere the general public is also invited. For instance, hotels, public transportation, and resorts are examples of areas where service animals are allowed.
Safety of Service Animals in Florida
The service dog laws for the state of Florida are very similar to the federal regulations. Florida also goes the extra mile to protect its service animals, with laws against any interference or injury. These laws prohibit the obstruction, harm, or intimidation of a service animal by another person or an animal owned by that person. These actions are punishable as a misdemeanor in the first-degree or a felony of the third-degree, depending on the severity of the incident.
Safety of Service Animals in Florida
The service dog laws for the state of Florida are very similar to the federal regulations. Florida also goes the extra mile to protect its service animals, with laws against any interference or injury. These laws prohibit the obstruction, harm, or intimidation of a service animal by another person or an animal owned by that person. These actions are punishable as a misdemeanor in the first-degree or a felony of the third-degree, depending on the severity of the incident.
Know Your Service Dog Rights and Requirements in Florida
Being knowledgeable about the rights and requirements of service animals in your state helps keep you and the service animals safe. Respecting the laws, providing the service animals the safe space to do their job, and establishing the correct qualifications can keep the integrity of service dogs intact.
The Tail of Two Animals: Service Animals vs Emotional Support Animals
The Facts About Fido
The ADA defines a service animal as “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not service animals for the purposes of this definition." C.F.R § 35.104 and § 36.104 (2010).
An animal that doesn’t meet these guidelines is not considered a service animal. The ADA makes a distinction between psychiatric service animals and emotional support animals. According to the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section, “If the dog has been trained to sense that an anxiety attack is about to happen and take a specific action to help avoid the attack or lessen its impact, that would qualify as a service animal. However, if the dog's mere presence provides comfort, that would not be considered a service animal under the ADA.”
Here are some of the tasks service animals perform:
- Guiding people who are blind or have low vision;
- Alerting people who are deaf or hard of hearing;
- Pulling a wheelchair;
- Assisting an individual during a seizure;
- Alerting individuals to the presence of allergens;
- Retrieving items;
- Providing physical support and assistance with balance and stability to individuals with mobility disabilities;
- Helping persons with psychiatric or neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors; or
- Reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications.
Get a Leash on Your Rights
A service dog is not a pet. They are working animals dedicated to providing a service to their owner with a disability so that a person can experience a better quality of life and live independently. To that end, the ADA requires any place that is considered a “place of public accommodation” to allow your service animal to accompany you.
What is a place of public accommodation? Just about any place that is open to the public. It includes restaurants, movie theaters, schools (including colleges and universities), hospitals, doctor’s offices, retail and grocery stores, government buildings, parks, buses, airplanes, trains, taxis and rideshare services, etc. There are only two questions these entities can ask:
- Is your animal a service animal?
- What task has the animal been trained to perform?
Here are some common requests you are not required to answer or comply with under the ADA:
- Provide proof of training;
- Disclose your disability;
- Put a “service animal” vest on the dog; or
- Separate you from your service animal.
The Fair Housing Act provides protections when renting or purchasing property in communities that have a “no pet” policy. Remember, service animals are not pets. However, you must make a reasonable accommodations request for your service animal when signing a lease or purchasing a home. Again, the leaseholder or homeowners’ association can only ask you two questions: (1) is your animal a service animal? And (2) what task has the animal been trained to perform? They also cannot require the dog to wear a vest identifying it as a service animal or demand a sign on a door identifying the occupant is a person with a disability who owns a service animal.
You have the right to travel with your service animal on public modes of transportation. This also includes private vehicles that are made available to the public such as rideshare services (Uber or Lyft). Because of recent changes to policies regarding emotional support animals, be aware that there is increased scrutiny and allow more time for the boarding process. Disability Rights Florida has additional information about your rights when traveling on our website.
Responsibilities of a service dog owner
Owners of service animals have certain responsibilities when they are in public places and in their homes. Dogs must be registered and vaccinated in compliance with local laws. When in a place of public accommodation, the owner must maintain control of the animal at all times. It cannot pose a threat to the health and safety of others, and it can’t disrupt neighbors or people around you with uncontrolled barking that is unrelated to the task it performs for you. And, as with all dog owners, individuals are responsible for locating appropriate or assigned waste areas for their service animal and you must pick up after them.
If Your Rights Are Violated, Start with Paw-sitivity
The most important asset you have in protecting your rights is a strong understanding of the ADA law and your rights as a person with a disability. Learn the law. And if you need help remembering your rights, carry the ADA's Fact Sheet on Service Animals with you.
If you are asked to leave a place of public accommodation because of your service animal, remain calm and ask for the manager. Try to control the conversation with your composure and calmly explain your rights under the ADA law. You’re not required to provide proof of the law, but you may consider giving the manager the ADA's Fact Sheet on Service Animals. If the manager insists you leave, you have several options:
- Request to speak to a supervisor in a higher position;
- Leave the establishment and pursue the issue further from home;
- Call the police; or
- When you get home, call Disability Rights Florida to help you advocate further.
Be sure to write down the names of every person you talk to as well as their contact information. You will need this if you want to pursue the violation later.
If you any have questions or need assistance advocating, contact Disability Rights Florida at 1-800-342-0823. Or visit the Service Animals Disability Topics Page on our website. Advocacy skills are important. So if you harness the right information, you’re likely to fetch better outcomes.